Are Omega Oils Beneficial for Dogs?

© Peppy Collection Club 

There are two types of Omega Oils; Omega-3 and Omega-6. These are very beneficial for dogs, but where and how they get them may be tricky. Read on for some tips on helping your dog get those 'good fatty acids' she needs for a healthy and long life.

What Do Omega-3 and Omega-6 Do For Dogs?
It's surprising just how much these fatty acids are responsible for, in fact, they help your pet in many ways. These include;
  1. Healthy skin and coat
  2. Cardiovascular health
  3. Nervous system health
  4. Boosts the immune system
  5. Good for healthy reproduction
  6. Helps fight certain infections
  7. Helps reduce the risk of certain cancers
What Are Omega-3 & Omega-6?

  • Now that we know just how good the Omega's are for our canine companions, you may be wondering exactly what these "miracle" acids are.
  • The short (non-scientific) answer is this, although both of these are links of carbon molecules, they are found in different ways.
  • The Omega-6 acid is found naturally in many high quality dog foods, so your pet is most likely getting enough in his kibble. One the other paw, the Omega-3's tend to be lacking. In addition, both these Omegas are very sensitive to heat and oxygen, which means they could have lost their viability during the cooking and canning process.
How Can I Supplement My Dog With the Omega's?

  • There has been a lot of debate over whether common fish oils should be used in the supplementation of the Omega's. Yes, there is good fatty acids found in fish, however, the problem lies in the fact that they can also be high in mercury. This can be toxic to your dog if it builds over time in the system.
  • According to Dr. Becker (Healthy Pets) using krill oil is a great way to source the Omega-3's in your dog's daily diet. She recommends the following dosages:
Up to 14 pounds - 250mg
15 to 29 pounds - 500mg
30 to 49 pounds - 1.000mg
50 to 79 pounds - 1.500mg
80 plus pounds - 2.000mg

  • Ask your veterinarian if krill oil is right for your canine companion. If not, he/she may have some other suggestions to help better your dog's Omega intake.
  • There are way too many benefits to the Omega acids to not take it seriously. After all, your pet deserves a long and healthy life.


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