Discover Why Dogs and Cats Eat Grass

© Peppy Collection Club

There are a few theories flying around when it comes to why dogs and cats eat grass. One is the ever popular, "to make themselves throw up." It has also been pondered that perhaps our pets eat grass because of a nutritional deficiency or even just because they like the taste of it. Whatever the reason, let's discover more about why dogs and cats eat grass.

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
Left to their own devices in the wild our dogs would be classified as opportunistic hunters, meaning they'll pretty much eat whatever will satisfy them at the time. Today, our canine companions no longer have to hunt for their daily kibble, so experts believe when a dog eats grass, it's just looking for an alternative dietary supplement.
So why does Fido throw up after eating grass? It is true that dogs will seek out the green stuff if their tummies are upset. This works because when the dog is gulping back the grass, the blades are tickling the back of his throat, which in turn will set off the gag reflex.
However, if you notice your dog just nibbling on the grass, he most likely just enjoys the texture, taste and smell and will be just fine.

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?
Cat are complete carnivores and therefore require a protein-based diet to stay healthy. So why the grass nibbling? Just like our canine pals, cats will also ingest grass when they have an upset tummy.
However, for those felines that keep the grass inside, it does provide a couple of advantages; hairball evacuation and folic acid.
Experts once again weigh in on the matter of cats and grass. They believe that your kitty knows when that hairball is too deep inside the intestinal tract to eliminate via vomiting, so the grass provides the extra roughage it needs to defecate it out.
In addition, grass will also give your cat a boost of folic acid which assists in the production of hemoglobin (a protein that moves oxygen through the blood).

Dogs and Cats Eating Grass is Okay
Regardless of the reasons why, allowing our dogs and cats to nibble away on the grass is okay. Just be sure to check any pesticides or fertilizers before you use them to be sure they are not toxic to animals. 


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